The private mempool broadcasts an auction for every transaction it receives. The auction reveals certain parts of the transaction that searchers can use to post a backrun bid.
MEVBlocker Bots: Migrating from MEVBlocker to Merkle auctions is described here: MEVBlocker websocket
1. Listen for Pending Auctions
Auctions are streamed over the following websocket:
Here is an example of an what an auction looks like:
For example, if we wanted to bid on the auction above, the bundle would be:
["0xe3f7d4b7eb34b37e47bd54cd225c79f579d2b52869d87e7b288062ef817e9445",// hash of the transaction"0x.....",// my backrun]
The full request would for this example would be:
// POST{"method":"eth_sendBundle","jsonrpc":"2.0","params": [ {"txs": [ "0xe3f7d4b7eb34b37e47bd54cd225c79f579d2b52869d87e7b288062ef817e9445",// hash of the transaction"0x.....",// my backrun ] } ]}